Blog del Projecte Comenius

This is the common blog of a Comenius project called “Let’s be eco-friendly”. It is being developed by European schools from Wales, Sweden and Catalonia.
Aquest és el blog comú del projecte Comenius anomenat "Let's be eco-friendly". És portat a terme per escoles europees de Gal·les, Suècia i Catalunya.
Detta är den gemensamma bloggen för ett Comenius-projekt som heter "Låt oss vara miljövänlig". Den utvecklas av europeiska skolor från Wales, Sverige och Katalonien

dimarts, 22 de desembre del 2009



divendres, 20 de novembre del 2009

Our first green flag (Waun Wen Primary School, Swansea)

Our school has just been awarded a new green flag

dilluns, 9 de novembre del 2009

This video shows a day in the Swedish school. When we arrived on Tuesday 13th october, the children participating in the project sang traditional songs and danced for us. Enjoy the tour around the school classrooms!

diumenge, 1 de novembre del 2009

Let's recycle!

At our school we recycle. There are paper banks, plastic banks and organic banks .